Music Curriculum
“Choral music is not one of life’s frills. It’s something that goes to the very heart of our humanity, our sense of community, and our souls. You express, when you sing, your soul in song. And when you get together with a group of other singers, it becomes more than the sum of its parts…All of those people are pouring out their hearts and souls in perfect harmony, which is kind of an emblem for what we need in this world…”
(John Rutter)
Music at Kairos is about children discovering a language that connects aspects of their experience of the Catholic faith, Montessori learning, and knowledge of other academic disciplines. Music is presented as the highest form of human praise to God, mirroring the Canticle of Creation (Psalm 148): “Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, sing his praise and exalt him forever!” This has particular resonance for children living in the Cascais-Sintra region of Portugal, where the experience of nature (sun, sand, sea and rich biodiversity) is absorbed through the senses on a daily basis. In this great Hymn of Creation, I learn that I am a small but necessary voice, willed by God out of His Immense Love for me, and part of the Greatest Symphony ever composed!
Children from ages 6 and upwards study topics that lead them through this journey of exploration through life and faith, spiralling in every greater depth as they grow. These include topics such as Music & Death, Music & Agriculture, Music in The Sacraments of the Church.
This connects with the Great Lessons of Montessori, that they encounter in other areas of the school.
From the time they are in Children’s House, children begin an exploration of the basics of the piano keyboard. This leads them to the discovery of chords at Elementary level so that every student ultimately has an understanding of how to play basic chords and pop songs on the piano. Children also study the recorder and the ukulele, which feeds into practical lessons about instrument construction and the sonic properties of instruments (acoustics).
In the Adolescent Programme, students who are passionate about Music, have an opportunity to dive deeper into these topics, and start to look at sound and acoustic design, using computer software. The Music curriculum dovetails with the Art curriculum, so that wide ranging creative projects of large scope are possible.
The Canticle of Kairos
Singing at Kairos is an especially significant area of musical formation. From ages 3 - 15, the child receives musical instruction in voice that encourages his or her unique vocal potential. No two human voices are quite the same - we each have a unique vocal fingerprint. Children study their voice using the latest Sonic Visualising software tools, so that they grow in wonder and awe for their singing voice. Beyond the purely vocal aspect, the Voice is presented as the whole of my Body and part of the mystery of Who I Am. Behind the cliché of helping someone ‘find their voice’ for example in a situation of social justice, is the experience that developing singing skills, really do aid a person’s confidence to come forwards in life and find their mission. Through the ‘Canticle of Kairos’ curriculum for singing Children learn a range of songs, from pop and folk songs, different ways to sing Alleluia, and Singing the Divine Office as a community.
Students at Kairos are encouraged to come together to form their own musical ensembles. These are then given rehearsal time with Music staff at various points during the week, including a Rock Band, and a cappella group. Ensembles have the opportunity to perform at various concerts and events throughout the year.
Music, Movement & Drama with Children’s House
Children’s House receive an action-packed Music Class every week, filled with fun, songs, games and dancing! Gross motor skills have long been known as key to the development of the intelligence in children ages 3 - 6. Add to this percussion instruments, clapping and voice games to explore the basics of musical expression, for a fun-filled romp. Perhaps it’s a Visit to The Jungle, Ocean Adventure, or maybe we’re Going On A Bear Hunt? Pull on your boots, grab your walking sticks and power up your imagination! Led by two members of our Music team, and a member CH staff, to ensure that that what the children experience in Music feeds back into their work in CH.
Music Scholarship Programme
Kairos Music Scholars receive one-to-one study, free of charge, in their choice of either piano, singing or violin. Lessons happen after school, with our Head of Music Peter Morrell. Music Scholars study from many genres of Music, take Grade examinations where relevant, and develop their musicianship and theory skills. Music Scholarships are awarded through an audition process that assesses musical ability and potential for the instrument. This happens through a performance, musical aptitude test and an Aural Skills Test. Decisions are reviewed by a panel of staff members to ensure a fair balance of musical, academic and pastoral perspectives, with the flourishing of the child at its heart. Kairos Music Scholars make key commitments to attend their lessons, a practice routine at home, and to come together for performance workshops and concerts every term. Beginners are welcome to apply for the Music Scholarship Programme, please direct enquiries to the school office.
St Cecilia Choir
Through our dedication to St Cecilia, the Patron Saint of Music, children at Kairos learn that singing is the highest form of musical praise to God. The St Cecilia Choir rehearses weekly, with the main objective of leading the singing at school Mass on Fridays. Repertoire includes Gregorian Chant, Psalms, hymns, and traditional motets of the Church. The St Cecilia Choir is open to children in LE, UE and AP.
Kairos Community Choir
Twice a term, the Kairos Community Choir, made up of students, staff and parents, come together to sing for school Mass on Fridays! These moments go to the heart of who we are as a Community of faith, fellowship and fun. Rehearsal is at 8am, followed by Mass at 8:45am. This unique experience of song-filled fellowship, brings about greater harmony in our selves and the world.